Updated January 2nd, 2025
This is very simple. You have to be live in the Minecraft category in order to play. This will be verified periodicially while you're on the server. You will be kicked if you go offline, change categories, or otherwise stop streaming while playing.
Your stream must contain the game, unobscured and easily visible. You may not hide or make it difficult to see your own actions in-game. You may cover parts of the screen to hide your coordinates or exact location. All scenes while connected to the server must feature your game screen, including BRB screens.
Use of cheats, hacks, exploits, or otherwise abusing mechanics to get an advantage over other players in-game will result in a permanent ban/blacklist from the server. Do not attempt to reverse the world seed. Any actions taken by cheaters will be rolled back at staff discretion.
OBSmp is ran in a way that should be resistant to crashing and server-wide lag in most cases. However, abuse intended to lag the server, other players, or otherwise degrade the experience of others on the server will be met with a ban.
This server will be full of folks who swear and otherwise are a bit inappropriate. That's just how streamers will be, expect as much. However, use of derogatory terminology is not allowed and may result in a ban. Be respectful and don't use terms that mock or degrade others.
You're welcome to meet others on the server and talk with them. However, repeatedly interacting with others to disrupt them is not allowed. Repeatedly killing players, especially new players or players with little gear, is not allowed. Do not grief other streamers. Streamers who do this may be banned/blacklisted.